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For your requests to authenticate art works, or other inquiries (loans and exhibition proposals.)


The architect Aurélia Engel became the director of the Françoise Gilot Archives in 2010. To gain further exhibition design skills, she completed the Master of Museum Studies at Harvard in 2015.

In 2010, she authored, Françoise Gilot, œuvres/works 1984-2010 published by Art Acatos.

She organizes exhibitions and lectures.

Aurélia Engel is the accredited person to authenticate works by Françoise Gilot.


The daughter of the two painters, Françoise Gilot and Luc Simon, Aurélia Engel is married to Colas Engel Director of the Colas Engel Fine Arts Gallery.

Aurélia will get back to you as soon as possible!

©2023 by Françoise Gilot Archives. Created by Lorenzo Provvedini

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